NANO 2012 - DAY 3
Well it is 07:40 on a Saturday morning and I have not
contributed anything towards my daily target and word count today, but thought
I should at least do what I promised to do almost a week ago now and that is to
keep you posted on my progress.
With the most horrendous flu underway and nurturing
seriously congested sinuses, looking at the Autumn Rugby Internationals and
what we had already planned for November, I realised that I won’t be able to
write this novel without some careful planning. November will be a more than
usual busy month and I will not fail before I even started. I will reach my
goal, with my writing buddies, of 50 000 words in 30 days.
So Sunday afternoon as my headache slowly started to show
mercy, I took the opportunity to start my planning and the accountant in me
jumped at the opportunity to open a spreadsheet, off course. I listed the days
in November, filled in our engagements, added the details of the upcoming Rugby
events and the deadlines I have on other commitments. It soon became apparent
that I would not be able to write the 1667 words a day, but would at least have
to write 2000 words, if I wanted to claim my gold certificate on Friday
My spreadsheet obviously grew by now (2 days in), because
not only have I an overall ‘planned’
section, divided into mornings, lunchtime and evenings, but what use
would it have without an ‘actuals’
section. Over the last two days I also added a column to see when I write the
best, i.e. most amount of words an hour. This spreadsheet will be close to hand
during the month and will give me enough data and food for thought for my next
novel, not to mention NANO 2013.
Anyways, I managed to get back to work on Monday and before
I could wipe my eyes, it was the eve of NANO 2012 and geared with my plan, 1500
words in the morning and 500 after work, I was nervously excited about this
life changing event that was about to start.
Wednesday morning I watched the clock until it reached
04:50, before I jumped out of bed and armed with a warm coffee, by 05:07 I wrote
my first words. I was surprised how quickly I got into the story and how all my
characters jumped forward to be first onto the page. Well I made my morning
target, quietly went upstairs to where my little fairy still peacefully slept.
I joined her for 15 minutes before we had to get up and start our normal daily routine.
During lunchtime that day I finished my first chapter and by doing so reached
my daily target.
Yesterday did not start well, the flu or cold (what’s the
difference so by the way?) bogged me down and I only managed to do some writing
during lunch time. In the evening I wrote
until I finished my chapter and let me tell you now, it’s easier in the
mornings than late at night, I could feel it and it showed on my stats…
This morning I am still nurturing a dull headache, but
geared with lots of pills to keep the flu aches and pains away, I will keep
indoors and write. Due to the flu/cold thing I have been carrying around for
almost three weeks now, I had to cancel a combined Birthday party of a close
friend of mine and Guy Fawkes fireworks display. No, I am afraid, again I will
have to stay indoors this weekend and try to get rid of this blasted thing. As
least I have lots to keep me busy with.
My friends, I better get cracking (as they say). I can
report that I am two chapters in and that the characters are (apart from one) straining
at the bit to leap onto page and together we will produce something that I hope
you will enjoy reading, as much as I enjoy writing it.
The book is currently titled “Numbers” and the synopsis on
my NANO page reads:
It all started with
Jonny’s boy…