Monday, 16 July 2012

Conrad Brand spoke to Barry about his 30 years in showbiz and his Stand up Chameleon tour in London on the 12/07/2012.

As I set up my laptop and Skype for the interview, I thought of the last time I saw Barry Hilton at his show in White City, almost 6 years ago.  I thought how much things changed since then, but as soon as I saw his familiar face and that cheeky smile and heard “Howzit Boet, I knew I was speaking to the right man. It was our Cousin Barry Hilton.
The Current Show
We are all looking forward to your show next week Thursday.  How long are you in London for?
I am in the UK from the 8th of July for 10 days.  During this time I will do shows in London, Bournemouth, Ireland and Holland. My shows are for everyone that understands English!
Will you get time to see a bit of London? If so what would your favourite place to visit be and what will you buy to take home to South Africa?
On my off days I will go and see comedy shows, I call them Comedy days. I have been to London many many times. It is a wonderful, cosmopolitan city and different to any other city in the world. You can visit London a hundred times without going to see the same thing twice.
I also love English beer, any kind!
I will also see my three boys in the UK, during this time.
I see you are just back from a worldwide tour crossing Hong Kong, America, Mauritius and several Africa Countries, then you are off to Australia and New Zealand in August. How do you motivate yourself after 30 years of public performance to keep going and how do you keep your program fresh?
I wish there was a way to switch off, but I just love to work and to see fresh people enjoying my comedy, every time, it’s lekker man!  I am very blessed and lucky. I love working the crowds, from my new 1000 seater Australian gig, to working a crowd of 200 people in a smaller venue. I just love it!
And it’s not only South Africans. Last year in London, I would say 60% were South Africans, the rest were British or other Nationalities.
Every morning I work for 10 seconds, which equals 1 hour a year (work it out he said), during this time I check the news for new material, local and International. I am a South African with an expanding international audience.
So by the way, I was at Wimbledon last week and I know it is summer, because the rain is warmer…

Will there be an opportunity to buy some of your dvds at the show?
There will be T-shirts, but no dvd’s. We now have an online site that you can buy from.
What is the one item, you always take on tour?
My I-pad with pictures of my children on.  Also with pictures of my ex-wives to remind me why I have to tour.  It’s called the High cost of leaving. (he smiles)
Who is your favourite comedian and why?
It would have to be Richard Prior – I loved his animated deliveries. It was after watching one of his shows that I thought, I can do that and I took it from there.
I also like Roy Walker and the one with him and Tommy Cooper is one of the funniest sketches I have ever seen.  To be honest I like most British comedians, especially Michael McIntyre.
Did you know Eric Sykes died today at the age of 89?

What was your last tweet?
You will have to check my FB page.  I am lazy so have it all linked up.  What I write on Facebook will also appear on Twitter.

The future
What does the future hold for our Cousin?  I hear that you just received your Australian Maritime Visa which allows you to work Australian waters for the next three years.  I am sorry, but that brought a picture to my mind. Being from the West Coast, I could see you in waders and working the waters for fish and crayfish.  Sorry, I suppose Sandy was referring to the contract with the Cruisers you got.  Please tell us more.
Ja swaar (he laughs)
What does the future hold… The world ends at the end of 2012, didn’t you know?
Yes, I will be working on the Cruise Ships, which is lazy work and I am already lazy.
I want to enjoy life, be happy and work for as long as I can. It took me thirty years to learn that I should not take any criticism personally.  In an audience of 400, if 350 are happy, it means that I have done something right and we as South Africans know that Majority rule!!
If I was a clairvoyant, I would know the future.  So I phoned a clairvoyant the other day and asked him, “Who’s calling?”

It seems that there has been a real shift to a more International scene and audience? Do you mind to comment on that?
I am an International comedian who happen to be South African and the people love it, the accent the references, all of it. You just need to talk slow and everyone will understand. I watched a show of me ten years ago and Capies did not understand me, because I was living in Jo-burg and talked to fast.
You will see if you do a bit of research that artists want to work as many different types of crowd possible, they look at what audiences they can work. So you go to Australia to work Australians, you go to America and work Americans and at the end, you feel that you achieved something in your life. 
There are so many Americans and other international comedians visiting South Africa, so why can’t we do the same? It’s even better when they respond to you, it’s lekke!
International work is the way to go, not money wise so much, but it is lots of fun!!

What is on your bucket list?
I want to be happy and live life every day to its fullest, it’s something I learned and decided when I lost my brother 3 years ago to Alzheimer’s disease.
I also want to go to Goodison Park and see Everton play.
I would also love to get an Australian working permit.
I want to have worked all seven continents. I have currently worked 5 of the 7 and still have to do South America and the Antarctica, but I don’t know if the penguins will understand me.  Mind you, I saw Happy Feet and they spoke perfect English. 
Tell me a bit more about the Cousin clothing range that will be available soon?
A Big clothing company approached me to write slogans for them, which I did and 15 slogans have been approved so far.  There are talks that it will be available in a well-known clothing store soon…

South Africa
As you know, it’s almost the Olympics. What would you say our chances for medals are?
There’s more chance of Julius Malema selling out the O2 stadium, than we getting medals. No we will bring a few medals home, but now I am worried that a boertjie will win a medal and bring it back to Benoni and chrome it.
Our athletes will have an unfair advantage, they are used to gunshots. 
What, according to you is the current state of South African comedy and are there anyone new we should be looking out for?
We have a lot of good guys in South Africa and I would encourage them to work more International audiences.  That way they will get more exposure and South African comedians will be better understood.  One of our own, Trevor Noah is doing very well in America!

There are many South Africans all over the world, thinking of moving back to South Africa.  What would your advice to a direct question by a friend be?
Leave your money in the Channel Islands…
Look, is there any place on earth that is perfect?  No!
I live in a modest house with a modest garden and drive a modest car.  You live by your choices. It is always your choice in life so be prepared to live by it.
Well that’s the end of all the questions Barry, thank you very much for your time and patience.  We look forward to seeing you next Thursday and celebrate with you your first 30 years in Comedy and may I say, may there be 30 more!
Fantastic, thanks!
Just before you go, what is the question most South Africans ask you when they see you?  Is it “Howziiitt my Couziiiin?”  or “Barry, wanneer gaan ons braai?” (With deep voice)
(He laughs out load!) They ask me” My Cousin, wanneer gaan ons braai?”
“Nou gaan ons braai!”

Did you know our Cousin has his own DVD chain in South Africa called COUSINSDVD, nine to be exact!
Most recently, Barry Hilton has extended his profile into the motivational speaker market and he is now taking his blend of stand-up comedy, corporate entertainment and motivation to the world.
His performance has just been filmed for Comedy Central and might actually air in the UK on 10 August.  It airs in SA on 17 August.